Continuing Again…

It was a long and painful night last night. I’m not sure I really slept at all, but my prayer last night gave me what I needed to at least go to bed and rest.

Today was Sabbath, and I was so thankful for the time of fellowship and worship surrounded with people who lift me in prayer and comfort me in trying times. As is true so many times, the specific passages were ones that spoke comfort, reassurance and guidance to my aching heart.

Before going to bed last night I sent a message to my daughter asking her to grab a private moment to call. I needed the perspective of someone who really knew my dad and me and my history with him. She called this afternoon in response to my message. I’m so glad I got her view. She said what I needed to hear. She encouraged me to remember (and to remind my therapists) that Dad has been living with a limited capacity to think clearly do to his age and pour oxygen intake. His responses to me in recent weeks needs to be viewed with that in mind. She also shared her perceptions of my dad and my relationship with him over the years. She sees him as having codependent relationships and very faulty faith beliefs, especially while I was growing up.

Writing this is taxing me more than I thought it would. I wanted to get it written down before I forget important parts of our conversation; but I’m so depleted that it’s hard to keep my hands on the keyboard and I keep making errors. I will simply have to come back and finish this later.

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To be continued…

It’s very late – early if being technical; but I can’t think of sleeping. My heart is so very heavy, and my eyes are filled with tears. This is a horrible bind. On the one hand I can’t ignore the things that have lead to this place; yet everything within me screams that this can’t be right. Over the years we have clung to the Scripture that says, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” It has brought us a long way through very troubled waters that threatened to carry me away with the current. Always we have faced the hard and painful truth that God lead us to, trusting that He would keep His promises and see me safely through. I have felt great anguish at other points of revelation, so in that sense this isn’t new; but this…this next step is causing me to stumble. If I venture so far as to embrace this new revelation (if that really is what it is), then it opens a flood gate of horrendous possibilities. If I have been wrong about Dad’s love for me/us – if it was merely an illusion I created to survive like my therapist is suggesting, then have I also been wrong about Mom? “Don’t you dare ever say anything wrong about your mother.” my aunt said to me when she learned I was entering into therapy so many years ago. I so emphatically told her that would never happen. My mother was not a saint. She let me down at key moments, too; but that was the exception to the rule. Or was it? If the love that reassured me and gave me courage to press on in therapy was a figment of my imagination born out of a necessity to survive instead of reality, how do I go on from here. Do you get the drift? Am I just rambling on hoping some further enlightenment will bring me out of this horrid place? I know my parents are/were broken people in many ways; but I have always felt secure in the knowledge that they loved me. After all, we are all human and fail our loved ones from time to time. I cannot and will not hold my parents to a standard I fail to meet myself in my own parenting. How many times have I wondered whether or not a specific response to a parenting situation was the right thing – the most loving thing to do? Can I trust my own perception of my parenting any more than my perception of my parent’s parenting? Where does it all stop? I’m in a free fall and I don’t know if I will ever land. I want to say, “forgiven!!!”. I know that is the only place I can find resolution. That’s nothing new. I have struggled on for years dealing with anger about specific things my parents did that wounded me deeply; but always it was with the backdrop of a knowledge that they really loved me dearly. How…where… do I find peace to bring relief to my aching heart?
Dear God;
To You I run, though I stumble and fall; though the troubled waters threaten to sweep over me, You have been and still are my stay. You know the truth, whether this really is what I must accept in order to continue healing from the past. I place my utter and complete trust in You. Help me, I pray. Amen

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My Daddy, my hero no more?

This is an excruciating post to write. It’s about an extreme paradigm shift. My entire life, even in the context of the many of me, my father has always been my hero. If I could write down all the reasons for that it would take me hours or days to complete the task. In many ways he is a truly honorable man. We have always been aware of moments when he was not there for me as a dad. Some of them big moments; but we have always seen those times as the exception to the rule. I think in the back of my head I always thought of those failures being due to my extreme needs more than any defect in his character. Nearly every time we have a conversation it ends with him saying he loves me. I am very sure he is completely sincere when he expresses those sentiments.

But in the course of the last few weeks I’ve been challenged to wonder just what he means when he says it – as in how would he define the love he has for me. I finally decided to find out, and the conclusions I came to are piercing my heart.

I need to finish this another time.

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KellyTrisha’s Book About MPD/DID

I am taking a class in college to help me write a book. It will be a children’s book, but I hope grown ups will read it, too. I will have to draw lots of pictures for my book. I will have to learn many things; but I am happy to do it because I want lots of people to know about DID.

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Challenge Overload

I’ve been feeling the need to post more frequently lately; but in all honesty I wanted to be in a better space when I did it.

I’ve been primarily out for several months now, and I’m exhausted and discouraged. There is an undercurrent issue that I struggle with – I don’t want a name. I’m willing to do my work on healing, even to do my work on the book, but I don’t want anyone to be able to say___________________ did this or said that. I feel ashamed and embarrassed. So that shadows everything else I do.

At first I thought I would extract all the questions asked in the high school or on-line community, and then write our answers or possibly add my own perspective in addition to what was answered in the original format. Pretty quickly I added some of the questions given to my children and what their answers were. This turned into a huge project, but I thought other personalities could easily step in and carry on with this strategy even when I wasn’t out anymore. Then it became clear I needed to do some work with external children about their father’s abuse, and if that wasn’t enough now it looks like I need to write at least the beginning if not all the writing for the book about sister and her family. The more I looked at possible ramifications for telling the truth about what happened, the more I really was considering not writing the book at all. However, I’ve talked with both of my older girls and they strongly encouraged me to not abort the book or our commitment to telling the truth. So at least for now, I’m going to continue to write.

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Inspirational Book/Author

Today I caught only part of the program on Live The Promise with Susie Larson on faith radio. Susie’s guest speaker today was Dr. Mark Rutland, who wrote a book called 21 Seconds to a Better Life (I think I got that title correct). The thesis for the book was primarily about the Lord’s Prayer, but also how the Lord’s Prayer is comparable to the 23rd Psalm. He used both of those passages together to fight depression and fear.

I/we have been struggling pretty hard in recent days, and this program spoke straight to my heart. I needed the encouragement from it. If I could remember how to do a link I would surely do it – might try anyway.

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DID-Ultimate Evidence of the Value of life

“DID is the ultimate evidence of the value of life. If, in the midst of such trauma, you split to survive it, rather than succumb to it, life must matter.”. My therapist made this comment during a recent session, and I/we thought it was profoundly worth remembering and passing along. It makes me think of the saying, “God doesn’t make junk”. We value life highly, and in doing so we reflect the belief that God designed each of us (multiples and those without DID) to have great value. He says we matter. In fact, we matter so much that He came to Earth fully human yet fully God to dwell among us and give us hope and a future. We hope and pray that each one of you find this to be true in your personal lives.

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In Loving Memory

Today was the funeral for my niece. She was a young mother who died very suddenly without any warning. There was no life insurance and the young family have now moved in with my brother.

My heart aches and breaks for them and with them.

It may be hard for some people to understand my strong compassion for a brother who did us such serious harm. It’s not in my nature to wish anyone ill, most absolutely not this kind of tragedy. I had a special session with my counselor today, and he helped me with my grief; and helped me have insight into myself in the midst of this.

So today we praise God for His infinite wisdom and grace. We are thankful for the time we had with our niece, and the blessing her life has been to so many people. We pray for God’s comfort and mercy on the family, and trust Him to work even this into something good and beautiful in His time. Amen.

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Attachment to Perpetrator & Locus of Control Shift

One of my therapists has been talking to us about Attachment to Perpetrator and Locus of Control Shift, which are theories about people with dissociative disorders and therapies to help them. A few weeks ago she gave us a photocopy of an outline that presented the concepts, and then this week she gave us a copy of a few paragraphs that were about them. I read them tonight, and I must say I wasn’t favorably impressed. The author came across to us as an arrogant dangerous person who I would stay clear of at all cost. Ironically, I realized that he would interpret my objections to him as evidence supporting his theory. Thankfully I don’t have to deal with him personally, and I have a strong relationship with my therapist so I will be able to discuss my feelings about this with her in our next session.

My objections have more to do with how the author presented himself and his positions rather than the material itself. He bragged on himself prolifically in some places, and he made assertions that he confirmed his theory as being true of 100% of his clients. We have encountered a few people in our personal experience who sounded very much like this man, and they became hostile toward us when we disagreed with them or didn’t fit into the mold they were so proud of making. All my gut instincts tell me to flee from this type of person, so we will see what happens when I discuss this with our therapist. I think she has a very different view of the man.

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I heard an interesting interview on faith radio today about entitlement. Apparently a child who is told they are special and never criticized or told negative things about themselves can develop entitlement issues as young adults. One of the character traits of entitlement is that they don’t know how to fail, and the prospect of failure is terrifying to them.

I’m curious about this. I can’t tell exactly why, though it is something I haven’t heard before. Seems to me siblings would definitely counteract ones propensity towards it, even if parents were overly attentive. I just don’t know what to think. Anyone have any ideas?

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